
Sophie Beagles

Planning and Design Advisor


Before becoming a Public Practice Associate, Sophie was at Jestico + Whiles Architects, where she worked on education, community-use and residential projects. She developed the practice’s social value manifesto and founded the +Forum: an inclusive discussion platform, promoting collaborative and strategic thinking for the future of the practice. Sophie is also a RIBA Ambassador, Open City Design Mentor and visiting lecturer at the V&A.

Spring Cohort 2020

Greater London Authority and London Borough of Newham

In her first placement with Public Practice, Sophie joined the Greater London Authority and London Borough of Newham’s joint delivery team for the Royal Docks as a Planning and Design Advisor. Her role involved advising on best practice in planning and design, particularly on public realm and workspace projects and optimising the non-residential components of development schemes. Her role also involved proposing options to improve the strategic offer of the Enterprise Zone and providing design input to the new Custom House interchange.

Sophie entered the Associate Programme again in Spring 2020, when she was placed with the London Borough of Ealing as Principal Economic Growth Officer. She worked on two key Opportunity Areas at Southall and Northolt, assisting with S106 negotiations, leading on public engagement and developing a place-based strategy for delivery.

After completing the Associate Programme, Sophie continued her role at Ealing and has since led the Council’s successful bid for multi-million pound Levelling Up funding. She also joined the Public Practice team part-time as Learning Facilitator to share her knowledge and experience with new Associates joining the programme.

Connect with Sophie

If you want to find out more about Sophie’s career journey or to connect with her directly, use the below link.

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