
Kate Beeching

Programme & Partnership Manager


Kate has extensive experience working in regeneration and communities, most recently as Community Asset Manager for Clarion Housing Group where her focus was on improving the sustainability of 65 community facilities across England. Kate shared the learnings from this work in the Community Asset Transfer toolkit for Housing Associations, published with HACT. Throughout her career, Kate has initiated a broad range of social and environmental improvements in estates, including delivering engagement events, fundraising, project management, and distributing grants and contracts. She has also been a trustee for Likewise, an innovative social care and mental health charity, and volunteers for Bermondsey Welcomes Refugees.

Autumn Cohort 2021

Oxford City Council

Kate joined Oxford City Council as Programme and Partnership Manager working on the Oxford West End programme. She is responsible for ensuring the vision for the programme is realised through a high degree of co-ordinated action, both in design and planning of new developments, but also in the promotion of the opportunity to investors, developers and occupiers, and the coordination of delivery, especially around hard and soft infrastructure.

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