
Lauren Kehoe


Lauren is an ARB registered Architect with a track record of delivering mixed-use regeneration schemes and meanwhile use projects across London; from rooftop additions designed to maximise capacity of dense urban sites within the tight constraints of the London View Management Framework, to setting out potential options for temporary creative reuse of historic assets. She has acted as Practice Mentor for the Stephen Lawrence Charitable Trust and the NLA, is co-founder of OSA, a student-led print magazine that aims to encourage conversations and learning across the university environment; and volunteers for Planning Aid for London providing free support on town planning and development for people and communities who can not afford professional advice.

Spring Cohort 2020

London Borough of Hounslow

As a Public Practice Associate, she supported the delivery of strategic projects within the London Borough of Hounslow, particularly in the Great West Corridor and Heathrow (West of Borough Plan) by providing urban design advice alongside managing and coordinating the design review panel and expanding its role in reviewing major schemes. Her role has also involved developing planning briefs, supplementary planning documents and masterplans and providing design input for developing visions, masterplans and planning policy guidance for the borough’s four town centres. She also formalised design services across multiple teams within the Local Authority to ensure design is a fundamental component across all RIBA Work Stages.

Connect with Lauren

If you want to find out more about Lauren’s career journey or to connect with her directly, use the below link.

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