
Sean Rushton

Strategic Masterplanner


Prior to joining Public Practice, Sean was a Chartered Landscape Architect with experience in masterplanning, urban design and landscape and visual impact assessment for residential and mixed-use schemes, ranging from 10 - 10,000 new homes across all stages of planning. He is an advocate of landscape-led masterplanning and the role well-planned green infrastructure can play in creating healthy communities. Sean is a member of the Landscape Institute Climate and Biodiversity Emergency Response Panel and is also a mentor for candidates on the Landscape Institute's Pathway to Chartership

Spring Cohort 2020

East Hertfordshire District Council

As part of the fourth cohort of Public Practice, as Strategic Masterplanner at East Hertfordshire District Council, Sean focused on the Harlow and Gilston Garden Town, leading on masterplanning work towards outline planning permission in mid-2020. His role was to ensure placemaking remains at the fore, providing professional support and coaching to colleagues in design.

Connect with Sean

If you want to find out more about Sean’s career journey or to connect with him directly, use the below link.

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