
Silvia Amoros


Sílvia is an architect and urban planner, she joined Public Practice from the Urban Development Office at Viladecans’ City Council, Barcelona. With 18 years of experience in public planning, she has actively participated in the definition and management of major processes of urban transformation in Barcelona’s Metropolitan Area. Most recently, she managed multidisciplinary teams to regenerate an industrial area to deliver an innovative new district.

Spring Cohort 2020

London Borough of Waltham Forest

As part of the fourth cohort of Public Practice, at London Borough of Waltham Forest, Sílvia worked on a range of regeneration projects in town centres across the Borough, with a focus on community-led regeneration in the north of the borough. She worked with local community groups and stakeholders to commission new public realm and develop high street strategies – scoping a pipeline of deliverable regeneration projects. In parallel, she fed into wider placemaking policy for the area and delivered small to medium-scale high street regeneration projects on the ground.

Connect with Silvia

If you want to find out more about Silvia’s career journey or to connect with her directly, use the below link.

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