Magazine Article
History in the Present
Shrewsbury Flaxmill Maltings: Heritage-Led Regeneration Case Study
Shrewsbury and Ditherington
With a history extending as far back as medieval times, Shrewsbury is a town in the West Midlands with a quiet charm. A relatively small county town, it has a population of 76,7821. While the fortunes of the Industrial Revolution did not bring the same level of transformation for Shrewsbury as other county towns or prominent industrial hubs, it did become home to one of the economic period's most significant architectural interventions: Ditherington Flax Mill, now known as Shrewsbury Flaxmill Maltings.
The building’s name signifies its different uses over time. Designed by the English architect Charles Bage, it was first a flax mill for producing linen and then later, from 1897 to 1987, it was a maltings mill used for turning barley into malt for beer brewing. Often described as the world’s first iron-framed building and the predecessor to the modern skyscraper, its building technology had been pioneered by William Strutt, a civil engineer and architect who used cast iron to develop fire-resistant structures. Bage’s design for Shrewsbury Flaxmill Maltings further developed Strutt’s techniques, using cast iron for beams, columns, roof supports, windows and doors.
The construction techniques pioneered here make the Flaxmill Maltings a national and internationally significant industrial heritage site.
There are eight listed buildings on the site, three of which are Grade I listed and represent the world’s first, second and third oldest iron frame buildings in the world.

In 2005, Historic England (then known as English Heritage) acquired the site when it purchased the freehold. Under Historic England’s ownership and partnership with Shropshire Council, the once derelict building has been reimagined as a thriving community asset that provides workspaces and social and communal spaces such as a café and a gallery.
The narrow streets of Shrewsbury’s town centre meander gently around the bend of the River Severn, revealing a mix of small-scale independent businesses and established retailers. At the centre of the town is Shrewsbury Castle, a red sandstone building perched on a hill. Now, it sits alongside the town’s library, Shropshire Archives and the train station, forming a cluster of buildings that greets visitors as they arrive.
Shrewsbury is a town steeped in history. Approximately 800 buildings2 are listed in the town, and the conservation area spans nearly the full extent of the market town. Having fared well and escaped much of the impact of bombings during World War II, the town retains much of its historic character. Walking from the town centre, past the train station and north towards Ditherington, a blend of architectural styles emerges, ranging from Victorian red-brick industrial buildings to long terraces of two-up-two-down workers’ cottages and infills of new housing.
When arriving in Shrewsbury by train, the everyday character of the station’s forecourt and the historical remnants of the town jostle closely together. The pace on a late November afternoon is subdued, with few people in the town centre and most buses driving past are empty. Walking through the station’s underpass with trains heading northeast to Ditherington, the streets maintain the quiet atmosphere of the town centre. An ad-hoc of shops—a couple of barbers, a pub and a selection of takeaways sit alongside light industrial buildings, giving the town a more residential character. The patches of green spaces woven through the terraces and streets allow the occasional dog walker to pass through en route to the canal path.

The Flaxmill Maltings
Opened in 1797, Shrewsbury Flaxmill Maltings is widely acknowledged as the world’s first iron-framed building. Its iron-frame structure was developed in response to the need for a fire-resistant architecture for cotton production.
Though it was once a thriving industry and large employer, the mill went out of business because of the changing needs of the textile industry. The building stood empty for over a decade before being acquired by Willam Jones Maltsters Ltd, who converted it into maltings and reopened the mill in 1898. The conversion for the maltings was designed by Henry Stopes, who, like its previous architect, was considered an expert in the design of maltings, continuing the building’s legacy as a site of innovation.
Adapting the flax mill for its new purpose as a maltings included significant changes to its fabric. Its large windows, which provided natural light for the mill’s workers, were infilled in brick to provide the dark, warm atmosphere required for malt production. Other substantial changes included demolishing the boiler houses and the addition of its notable large pyramid-roofed kiln.
During World War II, the military used the site as a Light Infantry Barracks and training centre. The maltings served as accommodation for soldiers as well as a community centre for dances and social events. After the war, malting continued, but advancements in technology meant that the traditional method of floor malting became obsolete and the building shut its doors in 1987. Until recently, the 2.7-hectare site, which includes eight buildings, stood disused—a remnant of Shrewsbury’s past glory and a reminder of its post-industry decline. While there were attempts to regenerate the site, none of them came to fruition.
As Alastair Godfrey, Head of Major Projects at Historic England, recalls:
the site went through a series of private developer owners, all of whom failed to deliver due to the historic and fragile nature of the building.
Historic England and Shropshire Council in collaboration
In 2005, the building was purchased as a joint venture between Historic England and Shrewsbury and Atcham Borough Council, which later in 2009 became a unitary authority. Now, with the Flaxmill Maltings site under Shropshire Council’s ownership, the council was committed to providing up to a million pounds of funding for the refurbishment of the building. By this time, the building had fallen into neglect and vandalism, with all eight Grade II* to Grade I listed buildings being placed on Historic England’s at-risk register.
The collaboration between the council and Historic England initially took the form of applying for several joint bids to support the project's development, a process Godfrey describes as a
“fantastic example of public sector partnership with an open and transparent relationship between the two organisations.”
Progress was delayed by the 2008 economic recession, creating financial uncertainty and high costs. Seeding funding from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) in 20133 allowed the project to move forward and begin enabling works on site, firstly taking down the two silos and restoring the Smithy and Stables which were completed in 2015. These restored buildings became an on-site home for their project partner, The Friends of the Flaxmill Maltings, a local charity founded in 2010 to engage with the public on the project.
In 2016, a further funding application was made to the National Lottery Heritage Fund, securing the second-largest lottery fund award of £20.7 million. This funding allowed the major repair and restoration of the Main Mill building to begin.

A Future Flaxmill Maltings
Feilden Clegg Bradley Studio (FCBS) was appointed in 2013 to work on the transformation of the building. The considerable redevelopment project sought to refurbish the building, turning it into a community asset that would be an important piece in Shrewsbury’s wider regeneration plans. The £28 million repair4, refurbishment and adaptive reuse scheme involved changing the building’s use, reintroducing natural light into the main mill building by re-opening the 110 previously infilled windows, structurally reinforcing its masonry and retaining its significant historic cast iron frame. The first buildings to be completed as part of this redevelopment were the Smithy and Stables in 2015 and works on the Main Mill and Kiln began in 2017 and were completed in 2022.
Now a fully operational visitor centre and community space, this landmark site creates a spirited atmosphere in the suburb of Ditherington, dominating the landscape as it stretches for miles, while the different levels on the site evoke a sense of openness. Read as a whole, the ensemble of brick buildings presents a sense of history.

On the ground floor, the main mill building is transformed into a space for the community with an independent public café and a gallery which tells the storied history of the building. The remaining four floors provide 2,600 square metres of commercial space. To serve as an exemplar of what could be achieved, Historic England pump primed the fitout of the first floor, creating six individual office suites, a meeting room and a reception area. Godfrey highlights: “for Historic England, as the government body that manages the historic environment, this was a national flagship project.” Meeting spaces and circulation areas are held in the former kiln building and shared communal areas line the northern edge of the building, offering extensive views across the brook and woodlands beyond the train lines.
The refurbishment also considers the environment, delivering a low-carbon, sustainable building for the future. A ground source heating system significantly reduces the building’s operational carbon while providing heating for the building.
This redevelopment is expected to reduce CO2 emissions from 45 tonnes per annum to 23 tonnes per annum, delivering an estimated 69% of energy5 of the main mill and kiln.
The redevelopment also offered learning opportunities for the community; a heritage skills programme during the construction used the site as a tool for learning. A heritage skills programme the Andrew Lloyd Webber Foundation hosted a series of programmes between 2017 and 2020 including work placements, site tours and training events aimed at a wide range of people from students to industry professionals.

The sensitive, light-touch approach to the conservation of the 200 year-old building fabric retains the character of the original Flaxmill Maltings. The redevelopment successfully marries the old with the new and does not shy away from revealing the patina of the former mill. It respects the significance of the cast iron frame, celebrating everyday moments across the building. The main foyer space for the commercial space is in the old kiln, a dramatic space which reveals the historic structure of the building. Walking up the stairs offers an intimate view of the restored pyramidal roof.
Working with Hemingway Design, a multi-disciplinary design studio, a holistic approach to signage and a visual identity was developed for the site. The bold, painted signage which adorns the front elevation recalls the historic character of the building, mixing the serif font of the original Flaxmill Maltings with a contemporary sans serif font. The text dances across the façade in unison with the rhythm of the window spacing, creating a distinctive and unmissable approach to the building.

Future Phases of the Flaxmill Maltings
The redevelopment of the Main Mill building has been proven not only successful on a cultural and community level but also commercially, which is an important factor in securing the future of the Flaxmill Maltings. For Godfrey, the fit-out of the commercial spaces above is “an exemplar of the quality that can be retrofitted into a Grade I listed building.” The second floor of commercial space has now been let, with a new organisation moving in at the end of 2024 and bringing with it 50 new jobs. Work is currently underway exploring interest in letting out the top floor of commercial space.
Claire Evans, a project manager at Shropshire Council who has been involved in the project for over a decade, also remarks on the collaborative nature of this partnership:
collaboration has been a recurring theme throughout this process and the success of the project to date is a testament to this partnership.
This partnership continues with the redevelopment moving onto its third stage: the construction of a housing scheme as part of the site’s wider redevelopment. Historic England, who now owns the freehold for the site, achieved renewed Outline Planning consent in April 20216 for the redevelopment of the brownfield areas of the site to the north and east of the Main Mill, which includes the Grade II* listed Apprentice House. Working with Peter Barber Architects, the project is proceeding to the detailed planning stage with the aim of appointing an appropriate development partner to deliver the scheme this year.

While the Shropshire Council has stayed involved throughout the project, its main role— especially in the later stages of the project post-funding—has been to be a key facilitator of the partnership. By transferring the site's freehold to Historic England, the council ensured ease of delivery for the project. This process also acknowledges the expertise and resources that Historic England brings to the project in navigating the refurbishment of such a delicate building sensitively. Heritage considerations were especially important to the scheme as historic assets play a significant role in the built environment, providing a sense of place, character and identity for the immediate site and the wider area.
Public memories and community impact
For Evans, whose family has a longstanding connection to the area, this project is of both professional and personal significance. She recalls a family history entwined with the history of the building in its years as a maltings and a brief history as an army base: “my grandparents shared stories of the maltings as a thriving and busy place. To be involved in this project is something I am proud of,” says Evans.
From a professional perspective, Evans also acknowledges how the building’s redevelopment ties in with the local authority’s wider regeneration plans. It is interesting to discuss how the redevelopment of the Flaxmill Maltings has influenced its other redevelopment and regeneration projects. “We recognise the importance of history and its importance to the wider community,” explains Evans. In interweaving history with the present, Shropshire Council’s redevelopment plans acknowledge some of the shortcomings of previous decades, and as Evans says, it is “undoing some of the planning decisions of the past.”

These stories echo many of the local reflections on the building. The Flaxmill Maltings represents more than history or an architectural monument; for the community, it is a landmark, a space of work, leisure, congregation and contemplation.
Steven Hayward, Founding Director of the firm form:form architects, occupies one of the workspace suites on the first floor of the building. He recalls his connection to the area, having lived and worked nearby before becoming a tenant in the refurbished building. Drawn in by the building’s architectural significance and history, Hayward is particularly impressed with the
“sensitive yet contemporary manner of the refurbishment.”
For Godfrey, this project is a significant triumph for Historic England, exceeding their high expectations from the outset. The project demonstrates how significant public heritage can be brought back into use as exemplary public spaces and conserved for future generations. From a sustainability perspective, the building delivers on government agendas, promoting low car use and low operational carbon. Godfrey is also pleased with the building’s green credentials, having invested in the first major ground source heat pump in a Grade I listed building regeneration project, “three-quarters of the heating for the Main Mill building comes from ground source heating.”
For the wider community, the building is filled with hopeful anticipation of Shrewsbury’s future. Simon Cranmer, Head of Visitor Experience at Shrewsbury Flaxmill Maltings, explains the building has “lived many lives, and it is on to its third one now.” He also remarks that the space feels “comparatively calmer” compared to what he remembers of the site. Today, 55% of the commercial space is occupied and there are hopes that the planned housing development will attract more people to this part of Shrewsbury, especially a younger generation.

In addition, the public spaces at the Flaxmill Maltings are already making a difference to the community. The café is the only one within a half mile, with the majority of such spaces located in the town centre, making it a welcome convenience given Ditherington’s distance from the town centre. The site is already hosting some of the town’s cultural events, engaging with a wide range of people from children on school visits to older people who use the café space regularly. The town’s biannual craft fair, Drawn, attracted 1,500 people a day last year when it relocated to the Flaxmill Maltings. Indeed, the site’s large spaces lend themselves to a wide range of uses. The Dye House opposite the Main Mill is an unprogrammed space and, in the past, has hosted theatre performances, dinners and market fairs.
This redevelopment has already improved the wider community around the mill. The site provides a much needed connection to the neighbouring suburbs Castlefield and Greenfields, unlocking future development possibilities for the site and the rest of Shrewsbury.
Safety has significantly improved around the site, too. Previously plagued by antisocial behaviour, crime has fallen by 27% compared to the average crime rate between 2011 and 2021, playing a significant role in the perception of the area.
The opening of the refurbished mill has provided job and volunteer opportunities directly through the café and the exhibition space. The site is projected to generate £5 to £8 million for Shrewsbury’s economy. There is the potential for the site to increase footfall in the town centre too, with people travelling from across the country and further afield to visit.
By championing the site’s unique history, Shrewsbury Flaxmill Maltings’s regeneration avoids the genericness of many mixed-use regeneration projects. The uses included in the building are well-judged and suited to the community’s needs while respecting, protecting and showcasing the building’s history. As Cranmer notes,
heritage means passing on the culture and the history that has been given to us to future generations.
The future of Shrewsbury
In 2018, Shropshire Council, alongside Shrewsbury Town Council and Shrewsbury Business Improvement District (BID), set out the Shrewsbury Big Town Plan (SBTP), a masterplan vision that sets out how the town could develop over the next twenty years. Central to the SBTP is the ‘Northern Corridor’, which sees Shrewsbury Flaxmill Maltings as the anchor of its regeneration, firmly recognising the untapped potential for the building and surrounding areas to form part of a vibrant new mixed-use quarter. The plan will connect the proposed neighbourhood around Flaxmill Maltings with its immediate context and back to Shrewsbury station and town centre.

Proposals for the Northern Corridor are primarily residential-led, providing 770 new homes for Shrewsbury and a gross development value of £230 million7. Historic England has appointed Peter Barber Architects to develop proposals for high-density housing on the site east of the Flaxmill Maltings, with concepts already in the works as of November 2024. For Historic England and Shropshire Council, this ambitious, high-quality neighbourhood will demonstrate a drive to appeal to a younger generation by providing a place to live, work and play.
For Hayward of form:form architects, the residential scheme is instrumental to the project. The key, he believes, is “getting the right residential mix and a design quality and aesthetic that complements the Flaxmill Maltings.”
The success of the Shrewsbury Flaxmill Maltings project so far has been rooted in the commitment to collaboration between Shropshire Council and Historic England and a deep understanding of the role of historic building heritage in our future built environment. It is a strong case study for how history can act in the present, transforming heritage from a conversation rooted in the past to one which is future thinking, capable of inspiring regeneration and delivering better everyday places.
- 1
- 2
- 3
West Midlands European Regional Development Fund Programme 2007-2013 Annual Review, Department for Communities and Local Government, December 2013
- 4
FCBS completes makeover of world's first iron-framed building, Architects Journal, August 2023
- 5
Fielden Clegg Bradley Studios website
- 6
Shropshire Council, planning application 10/03230/FUL
- 7
Shrewsbury Big Town Plan Masterplan Vision, January 2021
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Efua Boakye
Dion Barrett
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